Buffalo Rough Milled Waxy Leather



Material Thickness /Size Range Handle Feel Product Description Usage Color
Buffalo hide 3.2-3.6mm /

8-10sf per piece

Glossy Breaking Smooth Wild distressed flavored waxy leather matched with wild milling cracks pattern in light shiny level showing out the wild brave old-weathered rough flavor Rough Flavored Casual Leather Belt; Rugged AntiqueFlavored Western Leather Belt Reddish Brown
水牛 3.2-3.6 毫米  /

每件 8-10英呎

光滑裂紋平順感 粗曠頹廢風格蠟感皮搭配輕亮面重摔裂紋展現狂野勇敢歷鍊粗獷的氣息 粗獷風格休閒皮帶;堅實古樸風格西部皮帶 紅棕色



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